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tv   9 News Now at 5am  CBS  January 19, 2012 5:00am-6:00am EST

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college park, 43. bowie in the low 40s. out at fairfax, 43. reston, same deal. sterling, 42. leesburg and manassas in the lower 40s. now, we're going to see probably a chance for some flurries generally north of town overnight. maybe a little snow shower. and that's why we've got the snowflake there. maybe a sprinkle. we'll see increasing clouds today. friday, partly cloudy. still chilly in the low 40s. on saturday, a chance for some early morning sleet, freezing rain, a wintry mix. and then changing over to just rain for the afternoon. temperatures around 43 degrees. here is monika with your timesaver traffic. how is it look out there, mon? >> overall on the beltway and the major thoroughfares, everything is fine except for one spot. this one is on the inbound side of new york avenue. let's take a live look. authorities have been dealing with not only icy conditions but now a hit-and-run accident. this is at bladensburg road. this is where the slowdown begins trying to get to west virginia montana on the inbound
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side of the avenue. definitely you're not used to this at 5:00 in the morning. be aware of that as we head out the door. let's take you back over to the maps. this time, to the other side of town. 270 is looking great. live look. no problems to report as you head down from father hurley boulevard to the point where the lanes divide and to the beltway and american legion bridge. back over to new york avenue coming up in my next report. back to you guys. >> thank you, monika. >> washington monument has been closed since the august 23rd earthquake. that tremor led to cracks and water problems inside the structure. >> but later this morning, federal officials will announce a major donation for the repairs and the restoration. 9news now reporter delia gonsalves is live on the national mall. good morning, delia. >> reporter: good morning. the national mall and the monument is closed but is looks awfully beautiful this morning with the lights on and the flags surrounding as always. you know, this is great news. not only for the national park service but really for all
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americans who come and visit the national mall and visit the monument as well. billionaire david rubenstein has graciously donated $7.5 million to help repair the washington landmark. you may remember this dramatic video. it is surveillance video from inside the monument showing visitors running to safety. when the monument started to shake during last summer's earthquake. the 555 foot tall structure suffered significant damage and cracks that led to the closure and delicate process of identifying those cracks as crews rappeled from that structure. now, a little bit about this gracious donator david rubenstein. he's the cofounder of the d.c.- based carlyle group. a globe bal asset management firm. he is reportedly worth $2.7 billion. believe it or not, this is not the first gracious gift he has given to washington and to the
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nation. we're going to have a little more on that coming up in a half hour. there is no time line as to when the monument will reopen now that they have this money. rubenstein has been reportedly told repairs will likely take a year. we'll have another report in a half hour. andrea, mike, back to you. >> thank you, delia gonsalves reporting live from the national mall. >> flames and smoke came pouring out of a house last night in potomac, maryland. sky 9 was over the three story home on vantage court. firefighters say no one was inside when the fire started. no one else was hurt but the home was heavily damaged. still not sure what the cause of the fire is. investigators will be looking for that today. >> a bethesda woman is facing charges after police say she left her 6-year-old daughter home alone. authorities were called when the woman's apartment began to fill with smoke last night. police say the 6-year-old told them her mother was at the gym and she was just trying to make some toast. the mother told police she went out to buy groceries. police believe the little girl
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may have been home alone for up to about an hour and a half. >> voters in virginia's republican primary won't have to take a loyalty oath afterall. the state g.o.p. had asked the elections board to remove it from the party's primary ballot. the virginia republican party made the decision after getting reaction from its governing board. the oath would have required voters to promise to support the eventual republican nominee in the general election. another third guilty plea in the embezzlement scheme involving former d.c. councilman harry thomas jr. prosecutors say 55-year-old james garvin helped thomas embezzle more than $300,000, money that should have gone to youth programs. garvin entered his plea wednesday. he faces up to three years in prison. garvin is the general manager at langston golf course in northeast washington. >> we are coming up on 5:05. it is time now for the latest "your money" report. the lovely jessica doyle is here with today's headlines. >> good morning to both of you. wall street, don't look right
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now but it is looking pretty good. fingers crossed. i don't want to jinx things here. stocks this morning from the highest level since july. the market jumped yesterday on news the confidence among u.s. homebuilders rose in january to the highest level in more than four years. stocks also liking news the imf is proposing to raise its lending capacity by as much as $500 billion which means it could offer new loans to troubled european countries. could help the eu situation. checking the numbers, the dow stands at 12,578. it jumped nearly 97 points in trading yesterday. nasdaq up by 41 and the s&p 500 was better by 14 points. eastman kodak has filed for chapter 11 bankruptcy protection. it is looking for a buyer for its 1100 digital imaging patents. it said it would run out of cash in a year for which it would hope to fetch billions
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for thorrer patents. >> fed you up with telemarketing calls? there is a new win for consumers. the supreme court has ruled the telemarketers can be sued in both federal and state courts. this case involves a lawsuit claiming a debt collector made repeated annoying calls to consumer about a student loan debt. initially, that lawsuit was thrown out but now the high court is allowing the suit to proceed. consumers getting a little bit more power. >> getting them on my cell phone lately. i get this 1-800 service one at dinner. >> getting them at work now? >> you would think the do not call registry would cover that but it seems like there has been slippage in a lot of areas. >> you keep re-upping for the do not call and it still makes no difference. >> what do you have for us in the next half hour? >> we'll take a look at at&t because your bills are going up, people. we'll talk about that. >> ah, fun. >> there is a new story from the cruise ship captain about why he didn't stay with his
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vessel. you won't believe it. details coming up. >> plus a snowstorm hitting the northwest is creating a dangerous deep freeze in parts of canada as well. >> you may not believe this story either but ahead in sports, the wizards get their second win of the season against the best in the nba. >> take that!
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brrr, it's cold out there! much colder this morning compared to yesterday. temperatures are in the teens and into the 20s.
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lot of sunshine out there. here's your day planner forecast for this thursday morning. pre-friday. we start out sunday but increasing clouds in the afternoon. it will be breezy. temperatures only in the low 30s by 9:00 this morning. at noon, low 40s. our highs will be in the low 40s. south winds at 10 to 15 miles per hour. we'll be breezy throughout the day. when you factor in the wind chill, it will feel like in the 30s for a lot of locations. clear skies, 27 degrees. here's monika with your traffic. good morning. >> good morning. not such a great morning for commuters in the northeast used to an easy ride. this is what it looks like. inbound new york avenue from bladensburg to west virginia, montana. icy conditions there. the road has been salted. coming up, another update at 5:16. back to you. >> making news now at 5:09, the captain of the grounded cruise ship says he never intended to abandon ship but ended up in a life raft after he tripped and fell overboard. >> how unfortunate.
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>> rescue operations off the coast of tuscany have been suspended because of rough seas. 11 people are confirmed dead and 21 are still missing. >> he could have tripped and fell in the water. president obama has rejected a plan to build a controversial keystone oil pipeline from canada to the texas gulf coast. under the payroll tax extension passed last month, house republicans gave the president 60 days to approve or deny the project. the white house says that deadline was too short to allow proper environmental reviews. the big snowstorm in the northwestern u.s. is also creating dangerously low temperatures in canada. authorities in calgary have put extra beds in homeless shelters. some outdoor parks and ski areas have been closed because of the severe cold. >> while some of us may see a few snowflakes in the next few days, temperatures are getting warmer early next week. details at 5:15 and the 7-day forecast. >> at 5:33, a generous donation should help speed upate quake
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repairs to the washington monument. >> the examination of an abandoned wood box turns up some work done by famed british naturalist charles darwin. we'll be right back. never in my lifetime did i think i could walk 60 miles in 3 days. 60 miles in 3 days is-- is huge. if my mom can fight and beat breast cancer, i can walk 60 miles.
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you just put one foot in front of the other, and you know that you're walking for such a great cause that you just keep going. (man) that you have all these people coming together for one common goal. (woman) the goal is to bring an end to breast cancer. (woman) the fund-raising was the easiest part. people were very giving. complete strangers wanting to help. if i can do this, you definitely can do this. (woman) i'll never stop walking, not till we find a cure. (woman) and it has to end, but it starts with us. i knew someday i was gonna do this walk. it is the most rewarding experience i have ever had in my entire life. we can do this. you can do this. we can all do this together. (man) register today for the... and receive $25 off your registration fee. because everyone deserves a lifetime. the 2-4-6-8 value menu'sves a lifetime. got the everyday value slam, classic burger, build your own chicken wrap, cheese quesadilla,
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chicken parmesan, all you can eat pancakes, cordon bleu melt, the new cookie skillet a la mode. whew. so many choices, so little airtime. the 2-4-6-8 value menu. only at denny's. a mouthwatering combination of ingredients...e for you! i know you're gonna love. [ barks ] yes, it's beneful healthy fiesta. made with wholesome grains, real chicken, even accents of tomato and avocado. yeah! come on! [ barking ] gotta love the protein for muscles-- whoo-hoo! and omega-rich nutrition for that shiny coat. ever think healthy could taste so good? [ woman announcing ] beneful healthy fiesta. another healthful, flavorful beneful.
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temperatures down into the 20s and the teens. with dry air mass and some cold air making it very cold out there. we start with our michael & son weather camera on this thursday morning. we have partly cloudy skies out there. and we'll see increasing clouds throughout the afternoon. right now, temperatures down to 27 degrees. feels like 19. under clear skies, winds out of the northeast at 7 miles per hour. the winds will pick up this afternoon. our bus stop forecast, kids, bundle up as you're heading out to school this morning. partly cloudy and cold. temperatures down into the teens and tos. our sunrise this morning at 7:24. for the rest of today, temperatures are going to be slow to warm up. only into the lower 30s by
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8:00 this morning. low 40s at noon. lots of sunshine to start out the day. increasing clouds in the afternoon. by 4:00, low 40s. winds will be pumping in from the south at around 10 to 15 miles per hour throughout the day. all right, so, for this morning. a cold morning. bundle up. now, hat and gloves, a very good idea today. morning sun, then some afternoon, evening clouds. then a flurry possible overnight. generally north of town, a better chance. you'll see some flurries. our satellite and radar picture showing us we're going to see lots of sun. we've got some clouds coming in from the west passing over through the mountains and then we'll see a little area of low pressure impacting generally north of us but i think because of that, the points north of d.c. will see a chance for some flurries. right now, temperatures 23 in bethesda. also 23 in arlington. 27 in downtown. crofton, 21. springfield, good morning to you.
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23. reston, down to 18. sterling, 19 degrees. it feels like definitely teens here in downtown. 21 in gaithersburg. 16 in winchester. here is a look at the future cast. again, we're not worried about showers today. late tonight, stop the clock at 11:15, the blue here indicating a chance for light snow showers or some flurries overnight. and then after that, by tomorrow morning, we'll be seeing just sunny conditions with some clouds mixed in. the mountains definitely getting some more snow showers. you can see west. divide, we'll get more fresh powder for you skiers and snowboarders for this weekend. highs around the beltway, this is seasonable. temperatures around 43 in downtown. rockville and gaithersburg, 42 degrees. your zone forecast, cumberland, mid-30s with snow showers west of divide. hagerstown, martinsburg, upper 30s, lower 40s. warrenton, 41 degrees. manassas, temperatures in the low to mid-40s. d.c., 43 degrees. here is a look at your 7-day
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forecast. temperatures are going to be chilly for today. friday, lower 40s. saturday, chance for some wintry weather. maybe some sleet or freezing rain then rain in the afternoon. here's monika with your traffic. good morning. >> good morning. we have one hot spot this morning. it is certainly unusual on the inbound side of new york avenue at west virginia montana avenue. here's what it, looks like on the map. a water main break caused icy conditions and an accident. right now, the road has been salted. d.c. water is on the scene there. only the left lane is squeezing through causing the delay on the inbound side of new york avenue. it is pretty heavy at 5 5:17 in the morning. we'll go back over to the maps. this time to the northside of town where there are no problems. on the beltway looking great between college park and silver spring. live look in college park. the topside of your screen is the outer loop heading around the bend to 95. over through silver spring and into the bethesda, you will be
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ok heading west on 495. coming up, i'll update you on the situation on new york avenue at 5:24. >> wizard fans can brag their team got a w against the nba's best. highlights coming up in sports. >> it was a big one! >> the caps were shut out earlier in the week. last night, washington's goalie throws out his opponent north of the border. pretty cool. >> we want to take another look at the question of the day. it is 23% of women say they try to do this at least once a year. is it a, go on a diet. b, get botox injections or c, get a new hairstyle. >> jean kirschner wrote it is not c because i'm still growing out my last bad haircut. unfortunately, it has outlasted my annual diet. >> log on to the and leave your response. we'll reveal the answer during the 6:00 hour. and here is a bonus to our facebook question of the day. if you like us on facebook, you can start posting your guesses to our question on a brand new
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kindle fire. in the 9news now great tablet give away sweepstakes. this is how it works. just click like on our facebook page. that's >> don't worry, if you already like us on facebook, you can still enter. click on the give away tab on the left side of the page. your entries are accepted through january 31st. two lucky winners will be selected at random. each will win a new kindle fire tablet. you need to be at least 18 to enter.
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good morning. time is 5:21. it is 27 degrees. it is cold out there. temperatures only in the 30s by 9:00. lot of sunshine. by noon, we'll start to see some increasing clouds. mostly cloudy by 3:00. temperatures topping out generally low 40s to near mid- 40s. by 6:00, mostly cloudy. lower 40s. notice the winds coming out of the south at around 10 to 15 miles per hour. not breezy this morning but by this afternoon, the winds will be picking up. here's mike and andrea with your check on sports. >> thanks, anny. the capitals respond to getting shut out with a shutout of their own. >> the wizards show their potential in a win over the nba's top team. kristen berset has highlights in your morning sports. >> good morning, everybody. over 15,000 spectators went to last night's wizards game. most to see the best team in the league. the oklahoma city thunder and our hometown buy kevin durant. what they ended up getting was one heck of a game. it was a tight game all night
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long. tied in the second. kevin durant with the steal ahead to russell westbrook, back to durant. nice little slam there. the two combine for 69 points. wiz hung around. john wall with the alley-oop to tie it up. wall had to see the 25 points. nick young took over. there from three. he scores ten of his 24 to give the wiz late in the game. durant, five seconds left. takes the three. just off the mark! wiz win their second game of the season and shock the thunder 105-102. >> we showed our whole team we weren't going to be intimidated. we did get physical. we did the little things you need to do to play winning basketball. we continue to work on and continue to stress. >> caps matthew perrault making his return to the line-up in his hometown montreal. he let the canadiens feel it
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early. fourth goal of the season. caps led 2-0. watch, the laser from right. through the defender, finds the back of the net. 19th of the year. caps cruise to win 3-0. 31 shots stopped in the shutout. also, want to mention george mason and george washington, men's basketball both won yesterday as well. that's an early look at your morning sports. i'm kristin berset. make it a great day. >> remember the washington airport authority's plan for dumping the airport idea. >> a generous benefactor to help with repairs to the washington monument. here's monika. >> look at the unusual delay on the inbound side of new york avenue from bladensburg road to montana avenue. a water main break. only the left lane gets by. more on this and other area roadways at 5:29. you're watching 9news now. we'll be right back.
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never in my lifetime did i think i could walk 60 miles in 3 days.
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if my mom can fight and beat breast cancer, i can walk 60 miles. (woman) the fund-raising was the easiest part. people were very giving. complete strangers wanting to help. i knew someday i was gonna do this walk. if i can do this, you definitely can do this. we can do this. we can all do this together. (man) register today for the... and receive $25 off your registration fee. because everyone deserves a lifetime.
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welcome back to 9news now. i'm andrea roane. >> i'm mike hydeck. glad you're here. we need coffee. >> how many cups was that now? >> this is four. i'm only halfway there. here's monika samtani. she has traffic. anny is in for howard. how are you? >> i'm concerned. that's a lot of coffee. >> yeah. >> i'm a little concerned. >> it takes time to get this body going, man! >> all right. well, you'll need the extra cup of coffee because it is cold out there. temperatures are starting out in the teens and 20s. definitely bundle up. you want all of the winter weather gear and the heavy coat. we start with your day planner for this thursday. we start out sunny. temperatures only in the 30s by 9:00. we'll see the winds pick up this afternoon. temperatures topping out low to near mid-40s. increasing clouds throughout the day. may even see some flurry action late tonight. generally north of town. it feels like 19 in downtown.
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la plata, 20. manassas, 18. martinsburg 14. oakland, you feel like it is 4 degrees out there. now, we're looking at the satellite radar picture where we're going to see sunny skies continue for part of the day. then we've got some clouds coming in over the mountains and then a chance for some flurry action around the d.c. area and points north. i would say overnight, maybe even after midnight. highs for today, 43 in downtown. 42 in rockville. arlington, 44. reston, 43 degrees. all right, so, a chance for some flurries or a sprinkle late tonight. friday is chilly. then a wintry mix possible early saturday morning. here's monika with your traffic. good morning. >> good morning. well, the big story this morning, as i've been telling you since early on is water main break. icy conditions. inbound on new york avenue right here in northeast at montana avenue. we'll show you a live picture and show you the delay on the inbound side of new york avenue which now has subsided a bit but it is still going to be
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slow as you head toward montana avenue. where only the left lane has been getting through. the road has been salted. it looks like i'm glad to say the situation is getting better. on the inbound side of new york avenue at montana. let's take you back over to the maps. this time, we'll head south to 95 and take a live look into springfield. everything's fine for the occoquan river to this point. the normal volume, 5:30 in the morning. once you're on 395, it is still looking good up to duke street. we'll go back to the graphics to let you know that metro, marc and vre are all running on time. back to you. >> campaign 2012 now president obama is not waiting for the republicans to pick a nominee. he's launching his first tv commercial today. >> the republican hopefuls appear ready to launch attacks against each other heading into saturday's primary in south carolina. terrell brown reports. >> reporter: mitt romney is fighting to hang on to his lead in south carolina. >> if i'm president, i'll repeal obama care and get us
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back to free market principles. >> he tried to fire up voters before launching into an attack. >> take credit for the jobs created against america during the reagan years is like al gore saying he invented the internet. a new poll shows romney's lead slipping to 10 points down from 19 points two weeks ago. the two will have a chance to go head to head at tonight's g.o.p. debate. the final one before saturday's primary. >> gingrich is already warning voters to be on the lookout for smear ads. >> i fully expect the romney campaign to be unendingly dirty and dishonest for the next four days because they're desperate. they thought they could buy this. they're discovering they can't buy this. >> president obama isn't waiting for republicans to pick their nominee to kick his campaign into high gear. his team has purchased advertising time in at least six states. the first tv commercial airs today. >> secret of oil billionaires attacking president obama with ads, fact checkers say are not tethered to the facts. >> the 30-second spot fires back at charges the president took money from solyndra in
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exchange for a large federal loan. it also emphasizes his creation of clean energy jobs. >> president obama kept his promise to toughen ethics rules and strengthen america's economy. >> the president will court voters in two different states today. he'll visit florida before going on a fund-raising blitz in new york city. terrell brown, new york city, cbs news. washington voters are divided about gay marriage and the dream act. governor martin o'malley said gay marriage is one of his legislative priorities this year. but only 49% of maryland voters support the measure while 47% oppose it. as for the dream act, which would allow some illegal immigrants to pay in-state tuition, just 48% agreed with that and 49% were against it. voters will have their say on the dream act in a referendum on november's ballot. a member of the airport's authority board is suggesting a radically different plan when it comes to the metrorail stop at dulles airport. robert brown is his name.
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he says the plans to build a station near the airport's north parking garage could be abandoned and that would save $70 million. instead, brown says airport passengers could get off at the route 28 station nearby and be shuttled to the airport by people movers. at this point, other authority members are not on board with brown's idea. it has been nearly five months since the august earthquake damaged the washington monument. the national landmark has been closed to visitors ever since. >> but this morning, a local man is coming forward with a big donation to help with those repairses and the restoration, 9news now reporter delia gonsalves is live at the washington monument. beautiful this morning. >> it is so pretty out here. one of the best spots in washington, i say. this is a great gift. a fabulous gift to the nation and to washington, d.c. bethesda billionaire and philanthropist david rubenstein
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donating $7.5 million to repair the washington monument. take a look at this dramatic surveillance video from inside the monument when folks rushed down the stairs when the monument shook violently during last summer's earthquake, the 555 foot structure suffered significant damage and crews eventually had to rappel down the building to identify all of the cracks. now, a bit about our gracious donator this morning. david rubenstein. he's the cofounder of d.c.- based carlyle group. a globe bal asset management firm. he's reportedly worth $2.7 billion and has given much of his money away. donating $4.5 million recently to the national zoo. $13.5 million to the national archives. get this, he purchased a copy of the emancipation proclamation in the white house. declaration of independence, that's in the state department. and a rare early map of the united states, that in the library of congress. he is a gracious man who has
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donated a lot of his fortune to the country and to preserve the history here. the government will pick up the rest of the $15 million repair tab for the washington monument. though we don't have a time line as to when the monument will reopen to visitors. rubenstein has been reportedly told that repairs will likely take a year. back to you. >> in essence, he's paying half. >> half. >> that's amazing. thanks, delia. >> going from that money to your money at 5:35, another "your money" report. >> jessica is here with the latest on the big internet protest from yesterday. it took anybody's attention? >> i'll tell you, this may be a tad premature but it looks like the internet is winning the battle. delia was on the story. we talked about it a little bit yesterday. in lawmakers, it seems like companies and lawmakers are backing away from bills
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intended to fight movie and music piracy. critics say they're so restrictive, they will change the way internet does business. the bills are stop online piracy act in the house and the protect ip act in the senate. so far, senator marco rubio of florida turned to facebook to renounce a bill he had cosponsored. he backed away from his own bill. senator john cornyn of texas used facebook to call for a slowdown on the rolls. "the new york times" reports at least ten senators and nearly twice as many house members have publicly announced their opposition to sopa. if you use at&t service for your cell phone or tablet, your bills are going up. at&t raising prices by as much as 33% for data plans. the changes take effect january 22nd. new customers on its least expensive smart phone plan will pay $20 a month for 30 megabytes of data compared with the current 30 plan. other plans will cost more. the bills are going up.
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people are refinancing again thanks to record low interest rates. refi applications surged 26% last week. here's why. the average rate on a typical 30-year mortgage fell to a record low, 3.89% according to freddie mac. the average has been 5.7%. the high, 7.2%. we get the new interest rates out later this morning for the average for the last week. might be a good time to pick up the phone and call your mortgage broke err. >> i just refid. i'm thinking about doing it again. >> if you get a point, it might be worth your time. >> we'll look at refis for folks who haven't been able to refi. the people who are underwater on their mortgage. new help on the way. >> new technology will help local doctors better diagnose heart problems before patients even reach the hospital. details coming up. a new exhibit showing off artifacts of the nation's largest federal law enforcement
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good morning. 5:39. yeah, i'm standing like this because it is cold outside. temperatures down into the 20s. it feels like in the teens. very dry air mass is in place. along with that cold air. doesn't take much. by 9:00 this morning, lots of sunshine. only in the 30s by noon. 41, the winds will pick up this afternoon by 5:00. increasing clouds. mostly cloudy conditions. highs topping out into the low 40s. right now, 27. here's monika with your traffic. >> believe it or not, this roadway, we're going to look at here, new york avenue to montana was jammed from 4:30 to 5:30. it is all cleared up. the water main break taken care of. you're good to go at this point. coming up, we'll go into virginia at 5:48. montgomery county ambulances are getting new technology that really could be a lifesaver for heart patients. the updated electrocardiogram
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system makes the diagnosis possible during the ride to the hospital by transmitting heart and rhythm data and vital signs to the hospital staff. the results of the ekg are immediately accessible on desktop computers as well as smart phones. >> a new museum exhibit in downtown washington shows off a role of federal marshals in protecting our country. the exhibit at the crime and punishment museum features artifacts from the u.s. marshal service vault. established in 1789, the usms is the oldest federal law enforcement organization. the show runs through may. so, the white house decision to reject that huge pipeline project, what kind of political ramifications is that going to have? we'll have that story coming up. >> plus, a scientist's curiosity leads to the discovery of some lost long lost work done by charles darwin. >> birthday time now. let's see who's celebrating today. robert mcneil is 81.
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happy birthday. she's co-starring in the movie joyful noise. dolly parton is 66. paula deen is 65. >> actress katie segal is 65. comic impressionist frank is 38. she won olympic gold in 2008. gymnast shawn johnson is 20 plus a happy birthday to that guy. my partner, mike hydeck. he hasn't aged a day! look at there! >> where did you find that? >> cute little mikey hydeck. we have one more look at him. who's that? that's bert. >> somebody is in trouble. >> happy birthday, mike! >> thank you. the 2-4-6-8 value menu's
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got the everyday value slam, classic burger, build your own chicken wrap, cheese quesadilla, chicken parmesan, all you can eat pancakes, cordon bleu melt, the new cookie skillet a la mode. whew. so many choices, so little airtime. the 2-4-6-8 value menu. only at denny's. good morning. welcome back to 9news now. it is 5:45. and it is still cold out there. >> it is not going to. >> is that your hair?
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>> i just got it cut the other day. i'll bring down the mic. how's that? >> it is cold out there. temperatures are really going to warm up into the early 30s. i say warm up. by this morning. it is going to be a chilly day. bring out that good, heavy winter coat this morning. you're going to need it. you will thank me. for that advice. here's a look at your michael and son weather camera. temperature is 27 in downtown. feels like 19 degrees. winds out of the northeast at 7 miles per hour. the dew points only at 12. it is dry out there. the air mass is dry. our bus stop forecast, as your kids are heading to school, definitely bundle up. you want all of the layers, the gloves, the scarves, the hats. partly cloudy very cold. teens and 20s. for the rest of today, temperatures will be in the low 30s by 8:00. we'll see the winds pick up this afternoon. generally out of the south at 10 to 15. by noon, still sunny. by 4:00, we'll see the clouds
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increasing. then 43 degrees is our high for today. that's seasonable for this time of year. this morning, cold, bundle up. the hat and gloves, definitely a good idea. morning sun, then some p.m. clouds. flurry possible overnight. no major accumulations expected by any means. our satellite and radar picture showing us a ridge of high pressure moving off to the coast. we've tea got some clouds that will filter in from the west. first over the mountains. more snow showers in the mountains as well for all of those skiers and snowboarders. springfield, 23. great falls, good morning to you, 19 degrees. laurel also at 19. college park at 21 degrees. what does it feel like? dry air mass. it does feel colder. down into the teens pretty much everywhere you look. 18 in gaithersburg. hagerstown, 20. even richmond, it feels like 19 degrees. future cast shows us increase in clouds in the afternoon. you see the blue. that is a chance for some snow
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activity. snow shower, most likely flurries by 11:00 potentially and overnight. points north of town like gaithersburg up toward frederick, you've got a better chance to see some flurry action. tomorrow morning, we're looking at sunny conditions. by tomorrow evening, we'll see mostly cloudy skies and more snow falling in the mountains. highs for your thursday. seasonable. 43 in downtown. 42 in rockville. reston, 43 degrees. all right. so, for winchester, martinsburg in the upper 30s. look to lower 40s. mostly cloudy conditions. manassas and d.c. around low to mid-30s. 43 in downtown, annapolis, 44 degrees. here is a look at your 7-day forecast. for today, breezy. and there is that flurry possibility tonight and overnight. friday, dry. saturday, gotta talk about early morning. a wintry mix possible. we're talking sleet, freezing rain potentially. then all rain by the afternoon. here's monika with your traffic. good morning, mon. >> good morning. we started off with one rough
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spot on the inbound side of new york avenue at montana with water main break. that's been cleared up. now it is just the delays. we'll start with 95. take a live look at springfield. first of all, have a bit of a back-up from the prince william parkway to route 1. it looks like this from newington up into springfield. once you hit the beltway, you're ok. 395 at duke street on the northbound side, still looking good. both of the main and hov lanes to the 14th street bridge. back over to 66 on a map. no problems to report as you head in from centreville, look at what it looks like at lee highway. 63 miles per hour. it looks like that all the way to the beltway. coming up in my next report, we'll go into maryland at 6:00. andrea and mike? >> thank you, monika. president obama has rejected a plan by canadian company to build a pipeline across the u.s. >> as bigad shaban reports, it somebody a decision that's fueling a political fire here at home. >> reporter: the proposed 1700 mile pipeline would have stretched across six states.
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linking western canada to oil refineries on the texas coast. but president obama rejected it. saying he felt rushed to make a decision because of an arbitrary deadline set by congressional republicans to review the plan. environmentalists had already objected to its path. >> two days is not enough time. we don't even have an alternate route identified yet. so, how could anyone possibly review it? >> both parties agreed to a february 21st deadline as part of last month's deal to extend the payroll tax cut. now, fallout over the president's rejection is spilling on to the campaign trail. >> this is a stunningly stupid thing. we need the jobs. [ cheering ] maybe when they're unemployed in november, they'll figure out. >> oklahoma's governor says rejecting the plan by the company transcanada will cost the state roughly $1 billion in new investment. and 1200 construction jobs. >> this canadian oil, there is
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a possibility we could lose it to china with that decision. >> house democratic leader nancy pelosi says the oil was never meant for the u.s. >> i don't agree to the stipulation that this is oil that's going to china now instead of the u.s. it was always going overseas. >> transcanada says it will reapply to build the pipeline. bigad shaban, cbs news. making news now at 5:51, police in los angeles are searching for more human remains in hollywood hills. officers have discovered two feet in the same area where several human heads and two hands were found. so far, it appears the remains belong to one man whose body may have been dumped there. snow is paralyzing cities in the northwestern u.s. that normally get rain. seattle usually gets eight inches of snow every winter. by the time the snow stopped falling today, this one storm will have dumped about a foot on the city. scientists makes a huge discovery at a british theological survey warehouse.
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the scientists spotted an old wooden cabinet in one corner of the warehouse. inside, he found hundreds of rock samples. he held up a slide to the light and to make out a signature charles darwin. now darwin's lost work is being examined and cataloged. here is another look at the question of the day. 23% of women say they try to do this once a year. go on a diet, get botox injections or c, get a new hairstyle. >> amanda woods wrote although i do find myself saying i'll get a haircut at least once a year but i didn't get it cut for two years once. >> log on to the and leave your response. you know, the answers are usually the weirdest ones. we'll reveal the answer in about an hour. get the botox injections ready. here is a bonus to our facebook question of the day. if you like us on facebook, you can start posting your guesses to our question on a brand new kindle fire in the 9news now great tablet give away sweepstakes. here's how it works. click like on our facebook
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page. it is >> if you already like us on facebook, you can still enter, just click on the give away tab on the left side of the page. you can enter through january 31st. two lucky winners will be selected. each will get a new kindle fire tablet. you need to be at least 18 years old to enter. we'll be right back. however, before that, a local assistant principal is capturing the attention of students via twitter! wake up! that story is coming up in cool schools. >> a local program that spent decades helping people with disabilities find work is reaching out to wounded veterans who need a job. here's jessica. >> well, help is on the way for folks. having trouble making the monthly mortgage payment. new government rules are making it a lot easier to refinance underwater mortgages. i'll have the story coming up at 6:01. you're watching 9news now.
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good morning. it is cold out there! you're going to want that good, heavy winter coat as you're stepping out the door this morning. temperatures right now, 27 degrees at this hour. 5:56 coming up on 6:00 here in a few minutes. 33 by 9:00. still cold. by noon, lower 40s. winds will pick up this afternoon. coming out of the south at
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around 10 to 15 miles per hour. by 3:00, we've got increasing cloudiness this afternoon. through the evening hours. highs will be topping out in the low 40s generally. a chance for some overnight flurries. generally north of town possibly but tho major accumulations are expected. here's mike and andrea. >> the jobless rate among military veterans, those 18 to 24 is 30%. more than three times the national unemployment rate. for those vets who have been injured, the jobless rate is more than double that, as high as 75%. a local nonprofit called mvle spent 40 years finding jobs for people with disabilities. peggy fox shows us how they're helping wounded warriors and veterans. >> reporter: brandon gilbert is beating the ots on two fronts. he's a young iraq war veteran who has a job, not among the 30% who don't. the war left him with a brain injury. >> in iraq, i was a combat
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engineer. i did a lot of things with explosives. >> he's thankful he's not among the 75% of people with disabilities who are unemployed. the nonprofit employer mvle helped him find a job with the federal government through a program called working warriors. it also found work for these two veterans who found the job market brutal. >> in the old days, probably apply for 20 jobs and get a job within a month. it is not like that now. >> alan bishop found service to your country didn't matter to potential employers. >> they're going to look at factors other than someone who serves our country for x number of years or greater, they served and were wounded. >> mvle is branching out from its sole mission. for 40 years, it found and created jobs for people with disabilities. now, the organization provides daily employment opportunities such as potpourri making for 600 people with disabilities. >> the potpourri project started about three years ago when mvle was looking to find more work for its clients.
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they decided to make and sell their own ability nation sensations. you can find them in grocery stores across the country including giant. >> we have some folks who have more need from the rehabilitations, they require more assistance and help. they might need a nurse to be in the building with them. we see them as part of a viable work force. >> that was peggy fox reporting there. >> it is good people do see the need to employ vets and wounded warriors. thank you for your service to them. >> thank you for watching 9news now at 6:00 a.m. i'm andrea roane. >> we're glad you're here. i'm mike hydeck. here's monika samtani. traffic time momentarily. anny hong is in for howard this week. >> we're doing great here. temperatures are definitely off to a cold start though this morning. as you're waking up and checking out what to wear this morning, you want to layer up. >> drink plenty. >> good coat, good scarf. you'll want to


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